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Art of dance in Jakarta is a blend of cultural elements in it. At first, the art of dance in Jakarta has Sundanese and Chinese influences, such as dance dancer costume Jaipong with typical Beijing Opera player. But Jakarta could be called the most dynamic regions. In addition to the old dances also appear in the style of dance and choreography is dynamic.
for examples :

Betawi Dance

 Dance comes from Jakarta. As the capital, Jakarta, often at the center of attention of other regions in Indonesia. In this area, Tribe Betawi born and developed into the native population.
Tribe Betawi itself consists of several ethnic groups who joined in one area so as to form its own culture of the Betawi culture.
Ethnic groups who become citizens betawi are ethnic Arabs, Chinese, Javanese,Malay, Ambon, Bali, and others.
Therefore, the dance betawi much influenced by these ethnic origin. Even so, the dancebetawi has its own characteristics. That is the cheery voice accompaniment music anddance movements are dynamic.
Let's recognize some of the popular dance betawi danced in public.

Japin dance

Japin dance is actually a dance Zapin. Habit of calling people betawi Z with the letter Jto make a name of this dance is automatically changed into Japin. This dance hasspread everywhere. This dance is getting big influence of Arab culture.
What distinguishes betawi Japin with Zapin dance in general is a musical retinue. Japindance music tracks using betawi like harps. Zapin dance danced by jumping up and down while hitting a small tambourine drum. Hit him even once with a stomping motion.
Seeing this betawi dance to give the feel cheerful. Japin Betawi dance usually in pairsbetween women and men.

Cokek Betawi Dance

Dance betawi this one brought by bosses or landlords wealthy Peranakan Chinese.They used to treat dancers and players cokek Gambang Kromong.
The Dance is accompanied by music cokek Gambang Kromong and often displayed inevents held by the Landlord. Therefore, dance and dance clothing cokek somewhatsimilar Betawi dances in China.
As the development period, the landlord is willing to accommodate the live dancers andGambang Kromong cokek was reduced. As a result very few who want to preserve thisbetawi dance.
Dance cokek somewhat similar to ngibing. Another trademark is rocking hip-geal geol.Now cokek players and professional players Kromong Gambang, hard to find.
Mask Betawi Dance

Dance betawi long known to the public is TopengBetawi Dance. The Mask DanceBetawi, you can see the three elements of art as well. That dance, theater and music.
Mask Dance accompaniment music Betawi lot. Mask Betawi grow and develop on the outskirts of Jakarta. Usually held during a wedding, event and pay vows circumcision.
In Mask Betawi, the dancers wear masks and storytelling lewatseni motion. Now themask dance has a lot dikreasikan Betawi. So Betawi dance became more diverse.

Lenggang Nyai Dance

Is Wiwik Widiastuti who developed this Nyai Lenggang dance. Or better known as theDance society Lenggang Betawi. Mandy itself is not native Betawi people, he isorangYogyakarta.
But love of culture and dance betawi, make Wiwik create Lenggang Betawi dancecreations this. In this dance tanjidor can see there is an element and a thick mask danceonce.
Nyai Lenggang Betawi dance tells the story of Nyai Dasima who managed to
free them selves from coercion. Nyai Dasima were able to determine the direction andchoices of his life.

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